Christian Film

The Shack

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The film has a very tragic start, Mack's life is shattered when their youngest child, Missy, disappears during a camping trip while he is saving Kate and Josh (his other two children) during a canoeing accident. The tragedy derails Mack's faith and life until he receives an unstamped, typewritten note inviting him to meet at the shack.

This is where he meets God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and a character called Wisdom. The purpose of their visit is to help Mack better understand his life as seen from a much broader context or higher perspective, with the goal being to help free him from an inclination to pass judgement upon himself and others and to help heal himself and his family after Missy's death.

Religion is way too much work, I don’t want slaves,
I want friends and family to share life with.

The part of the film that is most effective is when Mack goes to meet Wisdom in the cave. It is so easy for us to blame God for all the wrongs of the world, and we are so quick to judge. This scene flips the scenario on its head and puts Mack as the judge and his two children, Kate and Josh, before him, giving him the option to send one to Heaven and one to Hell for the simple human mistakes they have made in life. Naturally, he can’t do that because he loves them so much. It demonstrates that we are all God's children, and no matter what we’ve done in life, God loves us and doesn’t want to judge or punish us. He wants to set us free from our sins and form a close relationship with him.

One interesting quote from the film that we should all remember is:

Mack “You don’t fit all that religious stuff I was taught?” Jesus “Religion is way too much work, I don’t want slaves, I want friends and family to share life with.”

What could Heaven possibly be like is the biggest leap for any Christian's imagination, or anyone's for that matter. What is God like? Will I meet Jesus? The Shack paints a wonderful picture.

Although it has a very sad and dramatic storyline, this film will open up your imagination and impact your thoughts if you allow it to.